Friday, April 19, 2019


"Remember," he says.
"As often as this story is told
and something beautiful is done for me,
do this in memory of her."
Abundant grace 
Self-giving love.

"Remember," he says.
"As often as this story is told, 
the bread broken and the wine drunk, 
do this in memory of me."
Abundant grace 
Self-giving love.

In Holy Week, we remember.  
The precious ointment, 
scented nard trickling down his head and beard,
anticipating the time when he himself would be poured out.
Abundant grace 
Self-giving love.

In Holy Week, we remember.  
The fountain of pardon spilling from his side 
as the healing stream flowed 
from his hands, his feet, his sacred head. 
Abundant grace 
Self-giving love.

Sorrow. Death. Grief. Love. 

Love's redeeming work is finished,  
his blood to all our hearts applied, 
for ALL of us our Savior died. 
Abundant grace 
Self-giving love.

Forgiveness. Wholeness. Life. Love.


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