Saturday, July 29, 2017

Portals, doorways, gates, and windows

Yesterday, when it was somewhere between drizzling and sprinkling, I ducked into the sacristy of the ruins of the Nunnery because it still has a small portion of roof.  Then the sun peeked out, and I started taking pictures.  Interestingly, most of them were of ancient doorways, arched windows, and gates -- portals between one place and another, points where what is gives way to what is to come.

I happened to take this wonderful shot of water, sky, medieval stone, and light.  It made me think of restoration, of new life, of Jesus standing before the tomb of Lazarus, saying, "Lazarus, come forth!" It made me think of fleshly, original, physical birth, the way in which we all enter this world through the portal of our mother's very body.  It also made me think of the new birth into the life of Christ, which is movement and progress and growth in holiness as the Spirit prods and woos and pushes us forward through doors into new situations.  Just as a baby cannot stay in the womb, we cannot stay in one place in our spiritual lives.  We have to leave the dark, warm, familiar safety for whatever lies ahead.   We have to be vulnerable to change, to the unfamiliar, to the uncomfortable, to the new.

There is uncertainty in moving out, even with the Spirit's help, but just as this picture suggests, there is something beautiful and light and spacious out there waiting for us in the unknown.  I invite you to sit with this picture and let it guide your prayer as you ponder where God is leading you, your family, your church, your community, your nation, your world.  Ask for the eyes to see what that might look like and the courage to take that first step forward into the light.

1 comment:

  1. I do love reading your posts! Your descriptions are heart-warming, detailed, and inspiring. thank you for sharing so faithfully and so well each of your days!


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