Friday, September 22, 2017

The Second Breath/Practicing the Pause

Flowers at the Old Rectory, Epworth

I mentioned in an earlier post that my readjustment to life back at home and at work is tougher than I had anticipated.  Well, the book my two book groups are reading this fall is called Wrestling with Grace:  A Spirituality for the Rough Edges of Daily Life by Robert Corin Morris.  One of the first things he emphasizes is taking a second breath before reacting, before speaking, before well, just about everything.  It's sometimes called "practicing the pause," and it's an invitation to stop that immediate response that arises when we stub our toe, get stuck in line, or feel insulted. It's about taking a moment to allow the Spirit of God to enter in and help us settle into a different mode of being, of being present in the moment and allowing blessing to flow instead of cursing.

The picture of flowers in this blog is one small gift from my sabbatical that is helping me to take a second breath.  I have no idea if Susanna and the Wesleys had flowers in their yard.  They certainly had crops like barley and wheat, but I'd like to think that the shade trees and masses of colorful blooms that are there now might be representative of what her yard might have looked then.  And I'd like to think that she occasionally went outside to escape her brood of energetic children to consider the lilies or daisies or phlox of her field.

If you are feeling harried or stressed out, sit with this picture and imagine walking in the soft green grass under the lovely shade trees, taking in the glory of these waving blossoms, feeling a gentle breeze waft across your face and tousle your hair.  May the Holy Spirit help you to be still, to be present, to be filled with peace as you picture yourself quietly being receptive to God. Practice this daily, for just a few moments, with or without words, and let Christ be formed in your heart, and you may find that you are being shaped and remade into his image, completely filled with love for God and neighbor.

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