Monday, March 16, 2020

Believe More, Love More: You Cannot Love Enough

It’s a different kind of Lent this year.

Instead of vices or bad habits,
we’ve given up assembling in large groups and
worshipping in the flesh.

We aren’t hugging or shaking hands
if we do meet
And much of life has gone online
Hidden like the grain of wheat that dies
And then rises again, a full sheaf ready for harvest.

For some, it is inconvenient

For some, it is a question of life or death
A matter
of trudging along and trying to be safe
because we have
no safety net
no health insurance

For all of us, it’s a time
to take stock of our lives
assessing and treasuring what really matters.

Of sharing toilet paper and sanitizer
Of helping rather than hoarding
Of loving by social distancing
But not distancing ourselves from love

Never distancing ourselves from love

In a letter to Miss March, John Wesley wrote,

"Receive a thousand more blessings;
believe more, love more: you cannot love enough.
(May 13, 1762)


  1. This is beautiful, Donna. Thank you for writing from your heart. And amen to Wesley's words--we cannot love enough!

  2. Thank you, Kay. It’s a weird time, but it’s always a time for love. ♥️


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